
Archived datasets used in publications can be found here

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The graph and emulations for the European Interconnect model can be found here

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Network (click for map) Type Geo Extent Geo Location Classification Layer Network Date Download Provenance Comments
AARNET REN Country Australia Backbone IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
Abilene REN Country US Backbone IP 2005_02 GML GraphML Primary
AboveNet COM Country+ USA, Europe, Japan Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Primary
ACOnet REN Country Austria Backbone IP 2009_06 GML GraphML Primary Vienna is unclear - Internal links show which of two internal PoPs they connect to, but external links not clear.
AGIS COM Country USA Backbone IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Secondary No info - Layer 1 network?
AI3 REN Continent Asia-Pacific Backbone, IX, Testbed IP 2006_02 GML GraphML Primary
Airtel COM Global Global Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
AMRES REN Country Serbia IP 2011_07 GML GraphML Primary External node names from
ANS COM Country USA Backbone IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Secondary No info - Layer 1 network?
ARN REN Country Algeria Backbone IP 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary
ARNES REN Country Slovenia Backbone, Customer IP 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary
ARPANET REN Country United States Backbone ARPA 1969_12 GML GraphML Secondary
ARPANET REN Country United States Backbone ARPA 1970_06 GML GraphML Secondary
ARPANET REN Country United States Backbone ARPA 1971_09 GML GraphML Secondary Burroughs location approximated to Cambridge, MA
ARPANET REN Country United States Backbone ARPA 1972_03 GML GraphML Secondary Nodes found using
ARPANET REN Country United States Backbone ARPA 1972_08 GML GraphML Secondary Locations from
ASNET-AM REN Country Armenia Backbone, Customer IP 2008 GML GraphML Primary
ATMnet COM Country USA Backbone IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Secondary Bought out by Verio (ATMNet on Wikipedia)
ATT North America COM Country USA Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2007-2008 GML GraphML Primary
Azrena REN Country Azerbaijan Backbone, Customer IP 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary
Bandcon COM Country+ USA, Europe Backbone IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Primary Now part of highwinds. Gray lines omitted as unclear what they represent - fibre? New York and New Jersey appear to be disconnected from rest of US.
BASNET REN Country Belarus IP 2008 GML GraphML Secondary Topology map from page 8, English place names from page 5 of source document
BBNplanet COM Country USA Backbone IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Secondary BBN Planet was BBN's ISP division. Joined GTE to become GTE Internetworking. Merged with Bell to become Verizon, ISP assets to Genuity. BBN sold ultimately to Raytheon. Genuity (and AS1) now owned by Level 3 Communications.
Bell Canada COM Country+ Canada, USA Backbone, Customer, Transit IP <2005 GML GraphML Secondary Corporate-only network. Check peering.
Bell South COM Country USA Backbone, Customer, Transit IP <2005 GML GraphML Secondary Same as ATT?
BELNET REN Country Belgium Backbone IP 2003 GML GraphML Primary
BELNET REN Country Belgium Backbone IP 2004 GML GraphML Primary
BELNET REN Country Belgium Backbone IP 2005 GML GraphML Primary
BELNET REN Country Belgium Backbone IP 2006 GML GraphML Primary
BELNET REN Country Belgium Backbone IP 2007 GML GraphML Primary
BELNET REN Country Belgium Backbone IP 2008 GML GraphML Primary
BELNET REN Country Belgium Backbone IP 2009 GML GraphML Primary
BELNET REN Country Belgium Backbone IP 2010 GML GraphML Primary Some PoPS ambigious. Cite available at
BTN COM Country USA Backbone, Customer, Transit IP <2005 GML GraphML Secondary Now PCCW Global AS3491
BICS COM Continent Europe Backbone, Customer IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Primary Can't nail down transit
BizNetworks COM Country Indonesia Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Primary Offers IX but unclear as to how.
BREN REN Country Bulgaria Backbone, Customer Layer 1 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary Names from
BSONetworkSolutions COM Continent Europe Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Primary Map link dead
BT Asia-Pacific COM Continent Asia-Pacific Backbone, Customer, Testbed, Transit IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
BT Europe COM Continent Europe Backbone, Customer, Testbed, Transit IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
BT Latin America COM Continent Latin America Backbone, Customer, Testbed, Transit IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary Excluded from NUS as disconnected (two components)
BT North America COM Continent North America Backbone, Customer, Testbed, Transit IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
Canerie REN Country Canada Backbone, Transit IP 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary Explicitly allows for 3-rd party transit in network docs.
Carnet REN Country Croatia Backbone, Customer IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary 2 Mb/s and 4Mb/s links are indistinguishable
Cernet REN Country China Backbone, Customer IP 2006_11 GML GraphML Primary We assume there are two links between Beijing and Xi'an
CESNET REN Country Czech Republic Backbone, Testbed, Transit IP 1993_01 GML GraphML Primary
CESNET REN Country Czech Republic Backbone, Testbed, Transit IP 1997 GML GraphML Primary
CESNET REN Country Czech Republic Backbone, Testbed, Transit IP 1999 GML GraphML Primary
CESNET REN Country Czech Republic Backbone, Testbed, Transit IP 2001 GML GraphML Primary
CESNET REN Country Czech Republic Backbone, Testbed, Transit IP 2003_04 GML GraphML Secondary Praha to Rez assumed as 10M also.
CESNET REN Country Czech Republic Backbone, Testbed, Transit IP 2005_11 GML GraphML Secondary Hard to determine link speeds
CESNET REN Country Czech Republic Backbone, Testbed, Transit IP 2006_03 GML GraphML Secondary
CESNET REN Country Czech Republic Backbone, Testbed, Transit IP 2007_06 GML GraphML Secondary
CESNET REN Country Czech Republic Backbone, Testbed, Transit IP 2010_06 GML GraphML Primary Letohrad found using
China Telecom COM Country China Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
Claranet COM Continent Europe Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary Technically, Access is provided by Claranet SOHO, a division of Claranet.
Cogent COM Country+ USA, Europe Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary Contains Aleron
Colt Telecom COM Continent Europe Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
Columbus Networks COM Continent Latin America Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
Compuserve COM Country USA Customer IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Secondary Compuserve is very complicated and was never much beyond an ISP until WorldCom purchase. Post WorldCom, 'WC did the network, AOL did the ISP and the accountants did the taxes'
CRL COM Country USA Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Secondary
CUDI REN Country Mexico Backbone IP 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary Node labels are hard to read.
CWIX COM Country USA Backbone, Customer IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Secondary All estimated from
Cynet REN Country Cyprus Backbone IP 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary
Darkstrand COM Country USA Backbone, Customer Simplified Fibre 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary Connects to testbeds but isn't actually a network testbed.
DataXchange COM Country USA Backbone, Customer IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Secondary Acquired by Rocky Mountain Internet (Network was K5 plus a stub!)
ITC Deltacom COM Country USA Backbone, Transit Fibre 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary No name next to Lexington, most likely Greensboro based on
Deutsche Telekom COM Global Global Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary Wholesale services only. DT also sells to general public. IP Transit and IP PoPs only shown on map.
DFN REN Country Germany Backbone, Testbed IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Primary Don't know how their customers are set-up. External connection from page 5 of
Dial Telecom COM Country Czech Republic Backbone, Customer, Transit Fibre 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary Some node junctions unclear
DIGEX COM Country USA Backbone, Customer IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Secondary To WorldCom then Verizon
EasyNet COM Global Global Backbone, Customer IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
EEnet REN Country Estonia Backbone, Customer IP 2009_06 GML GraphML Primary
Electric Lightwave COM Country USA Backbone, Customer, Transit IP <2005 GML GraphML Secondary Now the carrier wholesale BU of Integra Telecom
Epoch COM Country USA Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Secondary
ERNET REN Country India Backbone, Customer IP 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary
ESnet REN Country USA Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2007_12 GML GraphML Primary Many connections cannot be clearly read from the original picture. This is an approximated reproduction of the original graph.
euNetworks COM Continent Europe Backbone, Customer, Transit Simplified Fibre 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
EvoLink COM Country Bulgaria Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Primary
FatMan REN Region Fife and Tayside, UK Backbone IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Primary ATM-based - JANET local provider
FCCN REN Country Portugal Backbone, Customer, Testbed IP 2011_03 GML GraphML Primary 2Mb/s links could be anything between 2Mb/s to 1Gb/s
FORTHNET COM Country Greece Backbone, Transit IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary No customer services for resale? Web site not clear.
FUNET REN Country+ Finland Backbone, Customer Simplified Fibre 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary
Gambia REN Country Gambia Backbone, Transit IP 2001_07 GML GraphML Secondary Node names hard to read, Country-wide network, not a true provider
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 1999_01 GML GraphML Primary Names from
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 1999_04 GML GraphML Primary Names from
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 1999_05 GML GraphML Primary Names from
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2001_09 GML GraphML Primary Names from
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2001_12 GML GraphML Primary Names from
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2002_12 GML GraphML Primary Names from
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2004_04 GML GraphML Primary Names from
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2009_02 GML GraphML Primary New GARR-X functionality roll-out, experimental or testbed? Names from and CO unclear, appears to be Milan-Colombo PoP
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2009_08 GML GraphML Primary New GARR-X functionality roll-out, experimental or testbed? Names from and CO unclear, appears to be Milan-Colombo PoP
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2009_09 GML GraphML Primary New GARR-X functionality roll-out, experimental or testbed? Names from and CO unclear, appears to be Milan-Colombo PoP
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2009_12 GML GraphML Primary New GARR-X functionality roll-out, experimental or testbed? Names from and CO unclear, appears to be Milan-Colombo PoP
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2010_01 GML GraphML Primary New GARR-X functionality roll-out, experimental or testbed? Names from and CO unclear, appears to be Milan-Colombo PoP
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2010_03 GML GraphML Primary New GARR-X functionality roll-out, experimental or testbed? Names from and CO unclear, appears to be Milan-Colombo PoP
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2010_04 GML GraphML Primary New GARR-X functionality roll-out, experimental or testbed? Names from and CO unclear, appears to be Milan-Colombo PoP
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2010_05 GML GraphML Primary New GARR-X functionality roll-out, experimental or testbed? Names from and CO unclear, appears to be Milan-Colombo PoP
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2010_07 GML GraphML Primary New GARR-X functionality roll-out, experimental or testbed? Names from and CO unclear, appears to be Milan-Colombo PoP
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary New GARR-X functionality roll-out, experimental or testbed? Names from and CO unclear, appears to be Milan-Colombo PoP
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary New GARR-X functionality roll-out, experimental or testbed? Names from and CO unclear, appears to be Milan-Colombo PoP
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2010_12 GML GraphML Primary New GARR-X functionality roll-out, experimental or testbed? Names from and CO unclear, appears to be Milan-Colombo PoP
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Primary
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2011_02 GML GraphML Primary
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2011_03 GML GraphML Primary
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2011_04 GML GraphML Primary
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2011_05 GML GraphML Primary
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2011_07 GML GraphML Primary
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2011_08 GML GraphML Primary
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2011_09 GML GraphML Primary
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2011_10 GML GraphML Primary
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2011_11 GML GraphML Primary
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2011_11 GML GraphML Primary
GARR REN Country Italy Backbone, Transit IP 2011_11 GML GraphML Primary
GlobalNetRu COM Continent Europe Backbone, Customer IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Primary
GEANT REN Continent Europe Backbone, Testbed, Transit IP 2001_12 GML GraphML Primary
GEANT REN Continent Europe Backbone, Testbed, Transit IP 2009_02 GML GraphML Primary Node classifications from,2%20Final%20GEANT%20Architecture_v1.pdf
GEANT REN Continent Europe Backbone, Testbed, Transit IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
GEANT REN Continent Europe Backbone, Testbed, Transit IP 2012_03 GML GraphML Primary
GetNet COM Country USA IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Secondary No contemporary info. Was an ISP in 97 with reach but now appears to be Phoenix only? No buyout info
GlobalCenter COM Country USA Backbone, Customer ATM 2011_01 GML GraphML Secondary Bought out by Frontier Corp in Jan 98. Global Center was web site distribution and Frontier added long-distance and internet.
GlobeNet COM Continent Latin America Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2009 GML GraphML Primary
GoodNet COM Country USA Backbone IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Secondary Now part of deru via WinStar - IP, Frame and ATM but no services known.
GRENA REN Country Georgia IP 2008 GML GraphML Secondary
GridNet COM Country USA Backbone, Customer IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Secondary Owned by WorldCom - public data net.
GRnet REN Country Greece Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary Also uses
GTS CE COM Continent Europe Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary
GTS Czech Republic COM Country Czech Republic Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary
GTS Hungary COM Country Hungary Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary
GTS Poland COM Country Poland Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary Krakow not listed, filled in from gts_ce main map
GTS Romania COM Country Romania Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary
GTS Slovakia COM Country Slovakia Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Primary
HARNET REN Country Hong Kong Backbone, Transit IP 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary
Heanet REN Country Ireland Backbone, Customer IP 2011_07 GML GraphML Primary Main page at contains no useful topology information.
Hibernia Atlantic (Canada) COM Country Canada Backbone, Transit IP 2011_03 GML GraphML Primary
Hibernia Atlantic COM Continent+ North America, Europe Backbone, Transit IP 2011_03 GML GraphML Primary Links unclear around Washington DC. Londonderry and Portrush have no node shown, only label. Missing Portrush node added in.
Hibernia Atlantic (Ireland) COM Country Ireland Backbone, Transit IP 2011_03 GML GraphML Primary
Hibernia Atlantic (N. Ireland) COM Country Northern Ireland Backbone, Transit IP 2011_03 GML GraphML Primary
Hibernia Atlantic (UK) COM Country UK Backbone, Transit IP 2011_03 GML GraphML Primary
Hibernia Atlantic (US) COM Country USA Backbone, Transit IP 2011_03 GML GraphML Primary
Highwinds COM Global Global Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Primary
Hostway International COM Global Global Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Primary
Hurricane Electric COM Global Global Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
IBM COM Country USA Backbone, Customer IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Secondary ATM Network and Packet Transfer Mode
IIJ COM Country+ Japan, USA Backbone, Customer IP 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary
IINET COM Country Australia Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
ILAN REN Country Israel Backbone, Customer IP 2008 GML GraphML Primary
Integra Telecom COM Country USA Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary Electric Lightwave provides carrier wholesale. Hard to read as 3D style. May be multiple PoPs in same city, with multiple links.
Intellifiber COM Country USA Backbone, Customer, Transit Fibre 2010_07 GML GraphML Primary
InternetMCI COM Country USA IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Secondary Peer interconnects only - IGNORE
Internode COM Global Global Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2010_06 GML GraphML Primary Also combined with International IP Network. Cable stations excluded.
Interroute COM Continent Europe Backbone, Customer, Transit Simplified Fibre 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary Note: self loops do exist (eg Dubai, Luxembourg)
ValleyNet COM Region Virginia, Tennessee, West Virginia, Maryland, USA Backbone, Customer, Transit Fibre 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
ION COM Region New York, USA Backbone, Customer, Transit Fibre 2007 GML GraphML Primary
INS IXC Services COM Region Iowa, USA Backbone, Customer Fibre 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
IRIS Networks COM Region Tennessee, USA Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
iSTAR COM Country Canada Backbone, Transit IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Secondary
Itnet REN Country Ireland Backbone IP 2005 GML GraphML Primary 3 Nodes co-located on map, Very sparse info, semi-dud page
Janet External REN Country UK Backbone IP 2011_07 GML GraphML Primary
Janet Backbone REN Country UK Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2011_03 GML GraphML Primary
Janet Lense REN Region Central South, UK Backbone IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Primary Additional information from JANET local provider
JGN2plus-Japan REN Country Japan Backbone, Customer, Testbed IP 2009 GML GraphML Primary National links have capacity between 1Gb/s to 20Gb/s
KAREN REN Country New Zealand Backbone IP 2010_12 GML GraphML Primary Does VC count as Customer? Transit status unclear. Names using
Kentucky Datalink COM Country USA Backbone, Customer Fibre 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary Fiber provider
KentMan REN Region Kent, UK Backbone IP 2007_04 GML GraphML Secondary JANET local provider, Hard to distinguish purple 10 and 100 Mbps links
KentMan REN Region Kent, UK Backbone IP 2005_08 GML GraphML Secondary JANET local provider, Geolocation for Beacon Hill approximated
KentMan REN Region Kent, UK Backbone IP 2008_02 GML GraphML Secondary JANET local provider
KentMan REN Region Kent, UK Backbone IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Primary JANET local provider, Unclear of difference between UoK-C (PoP) and University of Kent (connected site). Universities at Medway unclear. Unable to find UCA-Chatham
KentMan REN Region Kent, UK Backbone IP 2005_07 GML GraphML Secondary JANET local provider, Geolocation for Beacon Hill approximated
KREONET REN Country South Korea Backbone IP 2006_09 GML GraphML Secondary Ochang found as Chungbuk from and checked with map on Massey is Massey University in Palmerston North (in suburb of Turitea )
Lambdanet COM Country Germany Backbone, Customer, Transit Fibre 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
LATNET REN Country Latvia IP 2007 GML GraphML Secondary
Layer42 COM Country USA Backbone, Customer IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Primary
LITNET REN Country Lithuania Backbone, Customer IP 2009 GML GraphML Primary
MARNET REN Country Macedonia L2 2007 GML GraphML Secondary Campuses collapsed to single node
MARWAN REN Country Morocco Backbone, Customer ATM 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary
Missouri Network Alliance COM Region Missouri Backbone, Customer Fibre 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
MREN REN Country Montenegro IP 2007 GML GraphML Secondary
Myren REN Country Malaysia Backbone, Customer IP 2011_03 GML GraphML Primary Names from and Route Reflectors omitted from PoP level diagram.
NapNet COM Country USA IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Secondary ATM only? No information
Navigata COM Country Canada Backbone, Customer IP 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary
Netrail COM Country USA Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Secondary
Network USA COM Region Louisiana, Texas, USA Backbone Fibre 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
Nextgen COM Country Australia Backbone, Customer, Transit Fibre 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
NIIF REN Country Hungary Backbone, Customer IP 2009_05 GML GraphML Primary
Noel Communications COM Region Washington State, USA Backbone IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
NORDU REN Continent Europe Backbone IP 1989 GML GraphML Primary CERT + NEWS + DNS Speeds from 'The History of Nordunet', pg 45
NORDU REN Continent Europe Backbone IP 1997 GML GraphML Primary CERT + NEWS + DNS. Link speeds ambigious in 'The History of Nordunet', pg 47
NORDU REN Continent Europe Backbone IP 2005 GML GraphML Primary CERT + NEWS + DNS
NORDU REN Continent Europe Backbone IP 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary CERT + NEWS + DNS
NSFCNET REN Metro Beijing, China Backbone, Testbed IP 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary Hard to tell if multiple POS OC-48 links
NSF REN Country USA Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Secondary
NTELOS COM Region West Virginia, Virginia, USA Backbone, Customer Fibre 2009_08 GML GraphML Primary
NTT COM Global Global Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2011_03 GML GraphML Primary
OTEGlobe COM Continent Europe Backbone, Transit Simplified Fibre 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary Does managed CPE count?
Oxford COM Region Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, USA Backbone, Customer, Transit Fibre 2010_08 GML GraphML Secondary
Pacific-Wave REN Country US IX IP 2010_05 GML GraphML Primary L1/L2 only?
Packet Exchange COM Global Global Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
PADI2 REN Country Palestine Backbone IP 2007_01 GML GraphML Primary 3 nodes
PalmettoNet COM Region North Carolina, South Carolina, USA Backbone Fibre 2006 GML GraphML Primary
peer1 COM Global Global Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
PERN REN Country Pakistan Backbone IP 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary
PIONIER REN Country Poland Backbone, Customer Fibre 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary
PIONIER REN Country Poland IP 2011_07 GML GraphML Primary Some external links on left side ambigious
PsiNet COM Country USA Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Secondary Bankrupt then bought out by Cogent
Quest COM Continent Asia-Pacific Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 1998 GML GraphML Secondary Still active?
Bestel COM Country Mexico Backbone, Customer, Transit Fibre 2006_12 GML GraphML Primary Colo
RedIris REN Country Spain Backbone IP 2011_03 GML GraphML Primary Names from Assume Nacional is located in Madrid.
Renam REN Country Moldova Backbone, Customer IP 2007 GML GraphML Primary Information unclear, only links between main towns recorded.
Renater REN Country France Backbone, Customer IP 1999_07 GML GraphML Secondary Very hard to work out but they do appear to have 'customers', rather than acting as an ISP
Renater REN Country France Backbone, Customer IP 2001_04 GML GraphML Secondary Unclear how Paris is connected to NOC
Renater REN Country France Backbone, Customer IP 1999_07 GML GraphML Secondary Very hard to work out but they do appear to have 'customers', rather than acting as an ISP
Renater REN Country France Backbone, Customer IP 2006_11 GML GraphML Secondary Very hard to work out but they do appear to have 'customers', rather than acting as an ISP
Renater REN Country France Backbone, Customer IP 2008_11 GML GraphML Secondary Very hard to work out but they do appear to have 'customers', rather than acting as an ISP
Renater REN Country France Backbone, Customer IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary Very hard to work out but they do appear to have 'customers', rather than acting as an ISP
Restena REN Country Luxembourg Backbone, Customer IP 2011_03 GML GraphML Primary
Reuna REN Country Chile Backbone, Customer IP 2010 GML GraphML Primary Grid services + possible others, Names from
RHnet REN Country Iceland Backbone IP 2011_03 GML GraphML Primary Locations from
RNP REN Country Brazil Backbone IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
RoEduNet REN Country Romania Backbone IP 2006 GML GraphML Primary
RoEduNet REN Country Romania Backbone Simplified Fibre 2010_09 GML GraphML Primary Taken from slide 8 of presentation. Names from Geant Peering at Bucharest from slide 4
Sago COM Region Florida and Georgia, USA Backbone, Customer Fibre 2000 GML GraphML Secondary
SANET REN Country Slovakia Backbone, Customer IP 2008 GML GraphML Primary
Sanren REN Country South Africa Backbone IP 2011_03 GML GraphML Primary Also used
Savvis COM Country USA Backbone, Customer IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Secondary Estimating services at the time of graph
Shentel COM Region Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, USA Backbone, Customer Fibre 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary Colo for towers
Sinet REN Country Japan Backbone IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
Singaren REN Country Singapore Backbone, IX IP 2008 GML GraphML Primary
SpiraLight COM Region Wisconsin, USA Backbone Fibre 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
Sprint COM Country USA Backbone, Customer IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Secondary
OPTOSUNET REN Country Sweden Backbone Fibre 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary
SURFNET REN Country Netherlands Backbone, Customer, Testbed IP 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary
SWITCH REN Country Switzerland Backbone, Customer, Transit Fibre 2010 GML GraphML Primary Locations from Locations of Rero and VSNet unclear
SWITCH REN Country Switzerland IP 2011 GML GraphML Primary
Syringa Networks COM Region Idaho, USA Backbone, Customer Fibre 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary Tipanuk location not found, approximated to Mountain Home.
T-lex REN Metro Tokyo, Japan Backbone, IX, Transit Layer 2 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
TATA COM Country India Backbone, Customer, Transit Telephone 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
Tecove (level3) COM Country USA Backbone, Customer, Transit IP <2005 GML GraphML Secondary Now owned by Level3. Has no independent network.
TelecomSerbia COM Country+ Serbia, Montenegro IP 2005 GML GraphML Unknown
Tinet COM Global Global Backbone, Transit IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary
TW Telecom COM Country USA Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary Can't find San Jose node
TWAREN REN Country Taiwan Backbone, Testbed, Transit IP 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary
ULAKNET REN Country Turkey Backbone IP 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary Very sparse webpage
Uni-C REN Country Denmark Backbone, Customer IP 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary There are router maps of certain PoPs available on the website, but we dont include them. Names from and
UniNet REN Continent Asia-Pacific Backbone IP 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary Broken web links
Uninett REN Country Norway Backbone IP 2009-2010 GML GraphML Primary
Uninett REN Country Norway Backbone IP 2011 GML GraphML Primary
URAN REN Country Ukraine Backbone, Customer IP 2010_10 GML GraphML Primary
US Carrier COM Region Georgia, Alabama, Florida, USA Backbone, Customer Fibre 2008 GML GraphML Primary Fiber provider
US Signal COM Country USA Backbone Fibre 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary Fiber provider
UUNET COM Country USA Backbone, Customer IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Secondary
VinaREN REN Country Vietnam Backbone IP 2009 GML GraphML Secondary
Vision Net COM Region Montana, USA Fibre 2010_08 GML GraphML Primary Now owned by Level3. Has no independent network.
Viatel COM Continent Europe Backbone, Customer, Transit Fibre 2008 GML GraphML Primary Some town names found using maps (St Christophe, St Martin, Linz, Kappela, Fos, Snow Hill). Unsure about Snow Hill, closest approximate match used. Pichegu from
Viatel COM Continent Europe Backbone, Customer, Transit Fibre 2011_02 GML GraphML Primary Some town names found using maps (St Christophe, St Martin, Linz, Kappela, Fos, Snow Hill). Unsure about Snow Hill, closest approximate match used. Pichegu from
WIDE REN Country Japan Backbone, Testbed, Transit IP 2007 GML GraphML Primary
Xeex COM Country USA Backbone, Customer, Transit IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Primary
Xspedius COM Country USA Backbone, Customer IP 2010_11 GML GraphML Secondary
YorkDataServices COM Country UK IP 2011_01 GML GraphML Primary
Zamren REN Country Zambia IP 2011_07 GML GraphML Primary Map from slide 6
Network maps can be accessed by clicking a network's name. Not all networks have a map: only those for which a sufficient number of nodes can be geocoded. 261 Networks
Updated Wednesday 18 July 2012 Sorting by tablesorter